Dear Hero

It's coming to three years since you left us, Hero. There's so much to tell you. Meimei is five now. She's a goofy and funny kid with an infectious laugh. The two of you would have had so much fun together. We adopted a puppy, a stubborn and mischievous bull terrier, with tenuous hope that Wira could replace your snugly warmth.

Cheche and I have not been wandering to far flung uncharted places like yesteryear. The reason we have stopped traveling as much is because parenthood is like a domestic adventure by itself, but truthfully, the wanderlust spirit is never the same without you. Oftentimes, specks of past memories flits into our daily conversations, and in these instances we realize how much we miss you.

But more than anything, we just want you to know that we're thinking about you. We always have and we always will. Rest in peace, Hero.


Lord said...

Your posts about Hero always touch my heart. I know that he was ( and is ) a well loved Shar Pei. The bond that was formed between him and MeiMei can be seen in his photos. I know that the death of someone beloved - human or dog - is always hard to deal with.

Thank you for continuing to write in your blog about Hero.

Duke said...

They are always in our thoughts and in our hearts forever. Hugs to you and MeiMei♥

TimberLove said...

It is good to hear from you. We often stop in and remember our Hero furiend. Wishing you and yours peace and happiness,

Nuk & Family

sprinkles said...

I miss Hero too and think of him from time to time.

Wow, Meimei sure has grown!

Have you thought about creating a blog for Wira?

paulah said...

As the owner of 3 Shar Pei, I often read back over Hero's adventures with you. I was so surprised & pleased to see an update. Congratulations on your newest family member. While I know Wira can never replace Hero, I know the wonderful puppy kisses will make your life more fun. Please post as often as you can, we love hearing from you. Best wishes...

Cara said...

Thank you for documenting your adventure with hero , I have loved reading your story and thanks for the update x

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TimberLove said...

Thinking of our Hero friend today,