Jan 02

Our Favorite Beach

Under the clear blue sky, meimei and I had some sandy fun by the beach.

I gave meimei's sandy truck a quick wash when she's not looking.

We're back at the beach later in the evening for more frolicking under the sun.

The next morning, we walked along the beach with cheche whilst the sun rose lazily over the horizon.

I listened attentively to meimei singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, as she saw a waning moon in the morning sky.

It was such a blissful day, we sat down together at the beach and watched the world go by.


booahboo said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.. the last picture is priceless. So beautiful!

booahboo said...

Happy New Year to your family and Hero too! May the New Year brings loads of goodness and endless laughter!

Duke said...

You are so naughty to do peepees on Meimei's truck, Hero!
That last picture is a keeper! You gotta frame that one!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

georgia little pea said...

I love all the pictures but most specially the one where you almost gave MeiMei a bath LOL!

Happy new year everyone! X

Midori and Char Siew said...

Oh my Dog Hero. Lovely pictures - but the last one is my favorite. I wish you and your two legs family a Happy New Year.

PS - Can you teach Char Siew the Shar Pei how to swim? You are such a wonderful swimmer and Char Siew is afraid of water.

The Whale said...


I have a Australia silky terrier and i would love to bring her to this beach too. its so beautiful there. May i know where is this??


SiawChin frm KL

Elizabeth said...

Happy New Year, Hero!
and greetings to your lovely family.
Woof woof from New York

love from

BUSTER and his family

sprinkles said...

I'm so envious of your weather! It's freezing cold here with lots of snow.

Hope you're having a happy new year!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello hero its dennis the vizsla dog hay that duz luk like a verry gud day!!! we do not git to watch the wurld go by offen enuf wel eksept for tucker he mayks a kareer owt of it theez days!!! ok bye

Anonymous said...

Your litle sister loves you. Sweet last pic.

monica said...

That last pic... Stunning. i' d buy the poster! Lovely times!

Unknown said...

Oh we miss the sea and the beach!

Love all of your pictures with Meimei and the last one is priceless!

TimberLove said...

We stopped by to wish woooos peace and happiness,

RA, Isis & Nanük

Bailey Be Good! said...

Hi there! Found you bloggie through a friend's bloggie and wanted to say hi! Love your photos! :)

Woofs & huggies, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Unknown said...

I have. Sharpei dog too!! Sharpei's are so unique and amazing! I love your blog! Check on mine too how i train her. Anyway did your dog go into the water?

World of Animals, Inc said...

Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. The sandy truck needed some washing. That's a funny picture. Hope the beach time was just wonderful. The last photo is just perfect. Have a great rest of your day.
World of Animals