Let the Day Begins

Every morning when the sun rises,
at the door I wait for meimei's voices.

Her wake up cries I long to hear,
when a night seems like a year.

Ro... Ro... I hear her say,
as she greets me a good day.

A bath she takes under the sunlight,
with me waiting patiently in sheer delight.

For a new day has just begun,
let us fill the hours with laughter and fun.

- hero -


georgia little pea said...

Is that her nickname for you Hero? CUTE LOL!

The Typist doesn't allow me to watch her bathing.. She's such a wuss. Hooroo Ro! X

sprinkles said...

That's a cute nickname for you, Hero!

Duke said...

What a great poem, Ro Ro! Have a wonderful day with MeiMei.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Cutie and cute fat rolls

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Just a periodic check to see how you are doing. We're happy to see you looking so well. And goodness, MeiMei has grown! Pretty soon the two of you will be reading books. Take care.

Jed & Abby

northernbliss said...

You are both very lucky to have each other - Enjoy!!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy Birthday to Hero, my twin brother halfway around the world.
We both have turned six today, wishing you all the bestest!
Love you.
Please give baby Meimei a wet kiss from me.

baju muslim bagus said...

woww great post good luck

Unknown said...

You're the most caring big brother, Ro...Ro...!

World of Animals, Inc said...

You are both so lucky to have such a loving home. You are always very close to the little one. Just watch out that mom doesn't give you a bath next. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals