Am Fine But Bored

The ouchie on my leg has finally healed up after endless daily cleaning by the hoomans and the power of the paws from my furiends. The open gap on my skin has closed and all I have now is a scar to remind me of the painful ordeal.

Same goes to the ouchie below my tooshie, the affected skin has dropped off and the gapping hole is almost healed. I'm feeling much better now.
However, for the many weeks when I was having bad sickies, I was really bored out of my pei mind...
... except for the time when meimei came home, I was so thrilled to see her... ohh, and she smells nice too.
The hoomans are super duper busy with my little sis, which means I have to wait for my next adventures and also meimei is too young to play zoomies with me for now... so, in the meantime, I just spend most of the day talking to T-Dog, drowning our boredom together.
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We are so very glad yer owies have getted betterest. We wish we lived closer to you, we'd play zoomies and tuggy and bitey face all day.
Maybe dat dere MeiMei will be able to zoomie soonerest...
Bobo and Meja
You look sooooooo much better now!
Yay!!!!! I am so glad your ouchies have gone away and hopefully they will stay away too!! I bet they didn't realise how big the power of the paw would be!!
Your little meimei is beautiful! I bet you two will have lots of adventures together soon!
Such great news about your ouchies!!! We are so happy for you, Hero. Too bad about being bored, but just wait, once little Meimei is a little bigger, you two are going to have some pawesome adventures together!!! She is so pretty - your parents must be in heaven with your healing and that special little bundle.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We're so very glad to hear from you, Hero. Hasn't been that interesting here, either and we don't have a new baby to liven things up. Maybe it's not such a bad thing for you to have some down time, to rest up after your horrible sickies. I bet that the rest is helping you get better. We are so relieved about that. You have no idea how worried we were about you.
lots of licks from both of us
Oh Hero! That is PAWSOME news:) :)
We are just so glad. You look so much like yourself now too:)
Meimei is growing!!Don't worry. it is just a matter of a few more months. You will soon be complaining that you have absolutely no time from playing with her all day long!
Take care of your lil sis n yourself too:)
Bud, Gin n Shadow
Your humans are the best! They took good care of you for all those weeks and now you are getting better. I hope those bad sickies don't ever come back.
Hi, Hero!
I am very happy to see your ouchies are pretty much healed!
I understand you are bored!
But... time flies and in no time meimei will be playing zoomies with you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
So happy dat you is feeling better! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We are so glad to see an update...we have been thinking about you. So happy that you are much better now. Just be a little patient and soon you'll have MeiMei playing with you. She is beautiful!!
dear hero,
sorry to hear you're bored. i get bored a lot too. usually when no one looks at, talks to or pats me for 15 minutes. 15 minutes is a long time, in case you're wondering. maybe if you chewed something, they'd notice. not meimei's toes though, please. they might be too soft. how about you come over and play with me instead?
i'm glad you're better otherwise. big hug xox
I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better! I'll bet your humans will start taking Meimei on walks soon so that she can start to see the world, and I bet you get to go with them. Babies don't stay little forever, and I suspect you'll be glad you got some extra rest when she starts getting mobile!
LOL !! The picture with T-dog is really cute and original..
MeiMei is so pretty and I am so glad you have a new "toy" to play with soon..So you make sure you keep healthy boy.. We are so so so so happy that the ouchie days are finallly over!
Hi Hero!
So glad to hear that you're all healed up. Mom says you need to eat more, your nose isn't filled out enough she says.
I'm glad you like your Meimei. My Puppy wasn't all that interesting to begin with either. As they get older they start dropping food on the floor. THAT gets interesting.
Nose kisses for your people, and my Mom sends you cuddles and ear scratches.
So glad to see that you've healed all beautifully Hero. We were so worried about you then.. and your wounds were so painful to look at. It just stings our heart. You have super dooper hoomans who really took care of you.
Your meimei is really cute.. i am sure she'll be able to play with you soon.. and you'll be her best friend. A child growing up with a dog as a best friend is the best gift parents can give them.
take care dude!
woofs n licks,
We're also very happy to see you looking so much better, Hero! That was a terrible scare.
Meimei is so beautiful! As was said above, we expect she'll be getting some walkies soon in her baby carriage, and you'll get to go walkies with her. Right now, you need to focus on finishing that last little bit of healing.
Jed & Abby
yay, hero! thankies for postin' an update! i'm glad your ouchies are way much better and that you are feelin' good again!
your meimei is SOOOOOOOOO CUTESIES!!!
look at all her luxurious black furs!
my mama is squealin' over here. heehee. don't worry, she will be crawlin' around before you know it, and then you can start havin' play time again! :)
the booker man
hey Hero,
I am SO furry happy that your let and bottom are healing! Your leg looks pawsome, good job on your humans for being do diligent in cleaning it and helping it to heal. I bet you feel so much better. Yay!
MeiMei is so adorable! I bet you can't wait until she can play zoomies! I bet she will be super fun to play with!
Hero, I feel so sad that you are bored. I wish I could run over to play with you, or you could come here to play with me! I know we would have a blast! T-Dog looks pretty cool. Hope your boredom ends soon!
I've worried about you sooooo much! I'm so glad to know you're healing up and are out of the woods now. I've thought of you often and kept you in my prayers.
What a beautiful baby sister! Congrats.
Hello Hero, it's Nero here! I'm so sorry that you have had difficulties...happy to hear you'r better! Congratulations to your new sis - she is adorable!
Lots of hugs and kisses from Nero
WE are so glad you are getting well! And hopefully your little sis will do zoomies with you soon!
Very adorable sis u have
Glad ur healing
May @
Buster is so glad you are getting better!
So glad you're feeling better and that your baby sister is healthy and home too! She is beyond cuteness!
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