Apr 28

Plantation Walkie

For a change in surrounding, I get to go for a walk in a plantation located a short distance from town.

Here I'm checking for peemails at the palm tree plantation. The smell of a plantation is very different from a park though...

... as there is an outdoor wilderness feel to it coupled with the reverberating sound of insects.

Leaving my peemail for the creatures of the night to read.

This is a vast plantation planted with rubber trees...

... where incisions are made orthogonally to the bark of the tree and the fresh flowing sap is collected in a cup and once exposed to air, becomes coagulated latex.

We had a long but fun walkie exploring the plantation...

... and also not to mention the endless sniffpedition under those rubber trees.

Hey what are you doing up there?

I wanna join you too!

Nice view of the surroundings...

... I can see the distance terrain from here.

Hey wait up!

Let's scout around, maybe we may bum into some interesting animals from the forest...

... or maybe a little tiger pup to play with me.


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Another wonderful adventure, thanks for taking us hero!!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are a great tour guide of your country!
I wonder what creatures will read your peemails? A tiger pup maybe?

Unknown said...

Hey Hero!
How do you get to go to these places nobody knows about? You're such a lucky dog with lucky owners!

Dexter said...

Thanks for taking us along on your walkie. It looks like a mysterious jungle!


sprinkles said...

You always have such fun adventures on your walks!

I'm having a dog swap, come join the fun! Details are on my blog.

grouchypuppy said...

Don't you love "reading the news" or picking up peemail on your walks? I do too. Mama says its like reading doggie newspapers...xx

the booker man said...

you go on the best walkies, hero! thanks for showing us all those super cool pictures from the plantation! i've nevarrr seen a rubber tree before.
the booker man

Lorenza said...

The Plantation sure was pawesome, right?
Hmmm.... did you find that little tiger pup??
Kisses and hugs

Diana Chiew said...

Watch out for those blood sucking mosquitoes in that plantation. Our humans said there are lots of them in those kind of places.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello hero its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow a rubber plantayshun!!! duz it bownse wen yoo drop it??? ha ha ok bye

Unknown said...

Hey! Hero,u sure had a lovely Sniffedition. we can see you not only take stock of ur surroundings but are also pretty well informed about the intricacies of the place. like the rubber salvage thing. thanx for sharing.
as always, Mummy goes all AWWWWWWW when she sees u and Lola. She has a thing for sharpei. She says her night anti-wrinkle cream advertisements feature a sharpei!!
Now, dont u think it is dogabuse?Your wrinkles are your pride, aren't they/ they make u look so wise

wags, buddy n Ginger

Life With Dogs said...

Now that is one heck of a hangout! We don't have anything like plantations in this part of our country.

Unknown said...

Thanx for d confidence in my chewing abilities!I haven't tried chewing a cricket ball.They are fun to fetch n catch,I feel.I'd rather chew on a football anyday.It takes Ginger just 2 seconds to puncture one...YEPS!SECONDS..n then I do the chewing part.
Sadly, we haven't seen the shape of a football for like months!
Nopes! No werewolves.Daddy would have liked that, u know.He is so totally into these movies!!

Wags, Buddy