Park Zoomies And Sissy
I went to the park with koko over the weekend for some walkie.
I did some speedy zoomies at the open field...
... until I was dog-tired with a mouth full of slobber.
Interesting looking beans on a tree branch.
Having a drink from my water bowl in the pei mobile...
... before we headed home.
Back home, a cooing meimei greeted me.
At six months old, meimei has learned to roll over...
... and she has been busy pinching my wrinkly face each time I go near her.
Not only she has learned to roll over...
... but also discovered another pair of tasty paws to her utter delight.
I have taught her well :)
Fireflies Watching
On the way to watch fireflies, we made a few rest stops to have some snacks.
Each time we stopped for refreshment, I would peeked out of the car to have a look.
Waiting for cheche to buy something from the fruit stall...
... that sells an assortment of mangoes and other tropical fruits.
I got to taste some of the fruits too before deciding which one to buy.
We finally bought a packet of rose apples, or popularly known as jambu air locally.
The flesh of the fruit is crisp and watery, with a very mild rose scent and a slightly sweet aftertaste.
And I love my jambu air.
On our next stop, as I popped out of the window...
... I caught a whiff of one of my favorite snacks.
The aroma of freshly roasted chestnut filled the air and beckoned from afar.
With my acute sense of smell, I managed to trace the divine aroma to a makeshift stall near the road.
Over here in Malaysia, chestnuts are usually roasted with coffee beans and sugar...
... in a huge wok equipped with automated turning mixture arms.
We continued our journey with two paper bags of freshly roasted chestnuts...
... to keep us busy munching on the road.
Upon arriving at our destination, we had dinner in a seafood restaurant...
... whilst waiting for the sun to set.
By the time we reached the jetty, it was already late evening.
I was filled with nervous excitement as we boarded the boat in thick darkness.
In the stillness of the night, we traveled downstream into the river to locate the fireflies' colonies. We were advised not to touch the water as there might be crocodiles lurking under the river.
Not long into the boat ride, we were greeted by hundreds of twinkling tiny lights dancing through the trees along the river.
Due to the fireflies fragility and its sensitivity to bright flashes from the camera, we did not take pictures of the fireflies. Doing so would harm the little bugs.
Anyways, pictures and words cannot really describe the amazing feeling when the glowing fireflies started to come toward us from the mangrove trees as the boatman expertly lit his torchlight intermittently to mimic a mating signal. There were hundreds of tiny luminous lights moving in symphonic harmony through the moonlit darkness and finally landing on my nose and paws. It was truly an enchanting experience as if one is transported to a world of magical fairies. A magnificent sight to the eyes of the beholder that would stay in memory forever.
On the boat ride home, I was sleepy and mostly in dreamland... dreaming of brightly lit fairies and cotton candies.
Hiking With Lucky
I was enjoying the car ride as we passed by the city on the way to our hike.
We started our hike at the bottom of the hill. Can you spot there were two of us doggy in the group?
This is me, having a sip of water before our ascend...
... and this is Lucky, checking for pee mails at the foot hill.
Yup, my pal Lucky is also a sharpei, a meat mouth pei to be exact, and he does look like my pei pal from New York, Lola.
We made a good tag team together, since my tail points to the left, I was in charge of marking the left side of the trail...
... and since Lucky's tail curls to the right, he was tasked to mark the right side.

It was quite a laborious climb up to the hill...
... and I was a thirsty pei. Also I needed to replenish all the fluid after all those intense marking.
Enjoying the tranquility and the beautiful view of the lake at the top.
Lucky having his drink at a water retention pond...
... and he decided to have a dip as well to cool off the heat.
Like a hero, I jumped into the water to join Lucky...
... only to realize the water was cold and I sprang out of the pond in a jiffy.
There were many makeshift bridges along the hike...
... and we have to be careful when crossing these wooden planks.
Like a marching troop, we moved into a single line when crossing these narrow bridges...
... with Lucky following closely behind us.
We took a rest under the shade before continuing with our hike...
... and I took the opportunity to scout around...
... and left more pee mails...
... before continuing with our descend from the hill top.
The trail was filled with lots of wild flora and fauna.
Taking a breather under a huge tree on the way down.
We arrived at a small water retention area and decided to sniff it out.
It's in us, peis are naturally busybody curious about their environment.
Lucky having a relaxing dip in the cold water after all the trekking...
... and I joined in too as my weary legs could do with some refreshing soak.
A pretty little wild flower along the pathway as we made our way back.
I was so tired on the way home, I could hardly opened my eyes.
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